Assist heard this sad news the other evening and it marks an end of an era for us and SEDA – we continue to follow the ethos and legacy he established. Jim and Raymond were the founders of the Assist movement along with the communities we worked with and we will continue to do so. Condolences to Anna, Lynn and Mark (and families) on loss of their father plus Wendy of course.
Jim was active in many areas over his life and the work with Raymond to retain and not demolish Glasgow’s Tenements continues to this day. It started and influenced the development of community-based housing and regeneration in Glasgow plus the increased awareness of the people of Glasgow and beyond in their homes, buildings and city. He was always dealing with Now rather than the Past – we recently had some discussions on types of heat pumps.
A visionary and his Community Design courses at Strathclyde emphasised the importance of providing architectural services to people in the street. His list of projects is long and the changes he made are significant: The RIAS should compile these in due time. He also gave me a job around 48 years ago and I am still on the tools!
Many thanks, Jim
Phil MaCafferty