Reidvale Housing Association commissioned ASSIST to create the first new urban allotments in Glasgow since WWII. The project was funded by Glasgow City Council, the Housing and Regeneration Directorate and Reidvale Housing Association. The project had a dramatic impact on the social and visual amenity of the area. The site, Reidvale Gardens, was underused and decayed, a meeting point for gangs and a venue for residents to relieve their dogs. Bounded by a railway to the south and with tenements overlooking the site from the North, the client wished the design to visually enhance the area as well as becoming a valued sustainable community resource.
Three separate areas were created; the first provides a focused environment for locals to get to know one and other and share practical tips and advice. The second area for nursery and school children enables them to learn about good nutrition and the origins of their food. The third area has raised planter beds and provides a variety of different heights for disabled, ambulant and able-bodied residents who don’t want to commit to looking after a full allotment plot. The raised planter beds, constructed from Baltic pine railway sleepers in a lattice formation. Each of the six beds is built to varying heights to promote use by all potential users. Each area has a community shed with electric power outlets and storage space. The sheds are cedar clad externally, on a timber frame, with natural zinc roof finish. Rainwater is fed into water butts mounted centrally between the entrances to each shed.
These innovative Allotments won a Commendation in the 2009 Scottish Design Awards.